“Counseling is a renewing of our minds with truth, so that we can have better life.”
My Beliefs
Change happens when we feel safe and understood.

Today you are taking a positive step towards taking care of you. You can learn new ways of being in the world that will create positive changes for you, your family and the people around you. It is possible to have a sense of peace and personal strength that you have never had before. As a licensed counselor since 2003, I have been helping people achieve just that. My office is a warm inviting place where you can feel safe and express yourself without judgment.

Grief, trauma, stress and anxiety feel overwhelming at times, especially in a world where we feel expected to be “on” and to appear strong and as though we have it all together all of the time. This can be from life changes, traumatic events, loss, to the sensation that we just can’t seem to get on top of our job, marriage, kids or life in general.

With specific training in helping people move out of crises and back into living life, you will discover that sense of peace and personal strength to manage life well.

Services Offered

Counseling is a collaborative effort between you and your counselor. Clients first need to be heard and understood. Depending on your needs we have different strategies to help. You can read about these on this website.

Leadership Coaching: Tailored coaching programs designed to help founders, executives, and emerging leaders enhance their leadership skills, drive organizational success, and achieve their professional objectives.

Personal Growth & Development: Individual therapy sessions focused on personal growth, self-discovery, and overcoming obstacles to create meaningful change in your life.

Free Consultation

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy is an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress. It is an effective treatment for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy

Approach to psychotherapy that uses cognitive behavioral therapy methods in collaboration with mindfulness meditative practices and similar psychological strategies.

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy

Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is a powerful modality available to us today. I will work with you and your prescriber to establish an intention for therapy, a direction and a purpose to advance your mental healing. We will also determine a set and setting that is appropriate for you.

Leadership Development

When focusing on leadership development, you develop the skill sets needed to better perform roles in leadership positions. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership development. This is particularly true with leadership coaching, which is the most effective way to accelerate leadership performance. Leadership coaching is a tailored approach utilizing assessments, individualized goals, and one-on-one relationships which is are a big part of its impact.

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